Monday, February 14, 2011

What I'm listening to... and love!

This band is from Austin and play here often. They are so good live! I just thought I would share. Enjoy!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

New Job: Week 1-ish

Tomorrow will be week 2 "technically" of my new job. It is actually strange how excited I am about it. It is just such a far-cry from the last year of searching for a good job, only to lock in on a job that I dreaded going to every hour of every day.

But, aside from being unusually giddy about trying my hand at this new venture... I'm also a bit enthusiastic to prove they made the right decision. The reason: last week was the most awkward nightmare-ish first week of an employment possible. (I started on a Tuesday.)

Day 1: I was so sick. You can't call-in on a first day of work, can you? I thought not. So, instead, I pumped myself full of cold-medicine and tried to be the trooper and go in with a smile. It was terrible. In the short instances that I could talk in between hacking coughs, I felt like the plaque. And, who wouldn't love being introduced to a room full of people with sick eyes and no voice?

Day 2: Arkansas gets a blizzard. Hmm. Guess I'll wake up and call the CEOs cell phone to let him know I can't make the hour commute. Seriously?!

Day 3: No one is going anywhere. No biggie there. The office is closed. Relief.

Day 4: Takes me 4 hours to drive there, so I'm extremely late, but I'm there. Miracle! I get to work part of the day. Converse like a normal human being. At least there's a glimmer of redemption. Jeeze.

So, needless to say, week 2 - bring it.